Pysion V0.9 by\x0a\x0aJan Blumenthal\x0aErich-Mühsam-Str. 34\x0a18069 Rostock\x0a\x0aTel.: +49 (0)381/83979\x0aMail:\x0aIRC : Eagleeye on #amigager\x0a\x0aHighlights:\x0a* loads different listformats\x0a* all modules can be configurated\x0a* author learnmode\x0a* very userfriendly\x0a* sizeable and fontsensitiv\x0a* Background picture\x0a\x0a... and much more
MSG_PY_SaveBeforeQuit (59//)
Do you want to save the list\x0abefore quitting?
MSG_PY_SaveAutorsBeforeQuit (60//)
The list of authors is changed. Do you want\x0ato save it before quitting?
MSG_PY_RealyNew (61//)
The old list will be removed!\x0aDo you want to continue?
MSG_PY_OverwriteIt (62//)
The file %s already exists.\x0aDo you want to overwrite it?
MSG_PY_UnknownListFormat (63//)
Unknown listformat in file:\x0a\x0a%s
MSG_PY_ErrorInList (64//)
Error in list:\x0a\x0a%s
MSG_PY_ErrorWhileAdding (65//)
Error while adding item(s)!
MSG_PY_CouldListNotLoad (66//)
The List could not be loaded!
MSG_PY_CouldListNotSave (67//)
The List could not be saved!
MSG_PY_Ok (68//)
MSG_PY_SaveGadgets (69//)
_Quit|_Save first
MSG_PY_YesNo (70//)
MSG_PY_ReallyGadgets (71//)
_Yes|_Save First|_Cancel
MSG_PY_RequestTitle (72//)
MSG_PY_EPNotFound (73//)
Eagleplayer-Port not found!
MSG_PY_FindDouble (74//)
Find double entries
MSG_PY_DoubleFound (75//)
Double Entry found:\x0a\x0a%s\x0a%s\x0a\x0aWhat are you doing?
MSG_PY_DoubleGadgets (76//)
_Delete 1|D_elete 2|All _1|All _2|_Skip|_Abort
MSG_PY_DeleteFrom (77//)
Should the file\x0a\x0a%s\x0a\x0aalso be deleted from the device?